Recently, Google announced that it is making new changes in the Play Store, which will help users discover quality apps on large screens. In fact, it will allow users to find and engage with high-quality apps and games. Moreover, in the new update of Google for Android users, three prime updates are available to the store. Ranking and Promotability changes, Alerts for low-quality apps, and Device-specific ratings and reviews are those three updates. However, every android app development company will be pursuing this latest update while developing the android app for their clients.
No doubt, Google is making it easy for Android developers to encompass a holistic set of features and basic compatibility requirements like landscape and portrait support. With this, the search for decent apps for android devices with large screens will become easy. Indeed, we know that there are more than 250 million android tablets, foldable, and Chrome OS devices. And they can run most of the Android apps through Google Play. In fact, it is challenging to find an app that supports large screen devices. With these new changes, the developers can now use alternative input devices like styluses to blow up the devices. In this blog, we will be discussing the recent update released by Google for Android users and developers.
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What is this Big update released by Google for Android Users?
The use of large-screen devices is growing its reach in the digital era. Moreover, there are now over 270 million active users. So, the demand for Android devices continues to accelerate. Even Google wants the users to get the most from their devices instead of only playing games. So, Google made some advanced changes in Google Play to allow the users to discover and engage with high-quality apps and games.
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New Changes in the Google Play:
We will discuss the three main updates made in the Google Play store.
- Ranking and Promoting Changes
- Alerts for Low-Quality Apps
- Device-Specific Ratings and Reviews
Ranking and Promoting Changes
With the new changes for Google Play, they also introduced the new large-screen app quality guidelines for the Android app development agencies to create a great user experience on large screens. No doubt, Android devices come in different forms that comprise a broad diversity of screen types and display states. Also, the devices like tablets, Chromebooks, and other devices are becoming popular among android users. So, you need to hire android developer to create a great user experience and provide responsive layout design to the users. However, we will discuss the large screen compatibility checklist and testing here.
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Large screen compatibility checklists
There is a criterion to define the compatibility checklists that will help the android app development company to help you in assessing the level of support it provides to the large screens.
Levels of support include the following:
1. Tier 3 (Basic) — Large screen ready:
To make your app ready for large screens, android app developers must fulfill the core app qualities which are UI and Graphics. Even the users can complete the critical flows with optimal user experience.
- Apps run full screen (or full window in multi-window mode)
- Camera preview and media projection
- Basic support for external input devices (keyboard, mouse, and trackpad)
2. Tier 2 (Better) — Large screen optimized:
All the apps optimized for all the screen sizes and devices states also include state transitions.
3. Tier 1 (Best) — Large screen differentiated:
All the android apps provide a great user experience that is designed for tablets, foldable devices, and Chrome OS. Moreover, it also provides support for multi-tasking, foldable postures, drag and drop, and stylus input. So, to make your app stand out from the crowd, every android app development company should aim for Tier 1.
Alerts for Users Installing Low-Quality Apps
The android apps which do not meet the requirements of compatibility, will either need to make compatible with the new updates, or they may not work on the user’s device. Google updates all the current alerts for the users on a large screen to help them set expectations on how their apps will look and function. With it, the user gets notifications about the apps whether they work on a large device or not. Moreover, it provides additional communication to the users about the app.
Device-Specific Ratings and Reviews
Previously, Google announced that users can see the ratings and reviews split through the device type. Further, it helps the users to make better decisions about the apps that are best for the device. In fact, the default rating that is shown in Google Play will be of the device type the user is using. It will provide a better sense of the app experience to the user on their device. So, you can view the rating and reviews by the device from the Play console through a device-type breakdown.
What are the Tools used for Getting Started on Large Screen Optimizations?
The android developers who optimize the apps for the large screens have seen positive results in user engagement and retention. However, we have discussed the tips and resources to optimize your application for large screen devices:
- Hire an android developer who can follow all the quality guidelines and help you in benchmarking the app’s compatibility level and plan for any enhancements
- The professionals need to develop responsive layouts and ensure that they support different screen sizes.
- In the core, metrics monitor the type of the device and the issues raised across the device types in the section of Play Console. Moreover, you can use reach and Devices for your existing applications and games. Also, you can plan the title of the next app by picking the relevant peer group and issue distributions.
Closing Thought
On the whole, Google will roll out these new changes in Google Play in the coming month. So, we encourage you to get a head start in planning your large screen app quality enhancements ahead with the help of the android app development company. These new changes in the Play will improve the consumer experience and also empowers the developers to build better apps for your business.