Setting a is the starting point of everything from where our journey begins. We cannot get out of it. Here are the three ways to set goals on LinkedIn. You can share your goals by expressing your goals to the premium profile writing services experts. They can help you achieve your goals by setting small steps to optimize LinkedIn content most effectively. Before getting to the heart of the matter, let’s discuss the formula for success, which depends on your profile, network, and actions. People often ignore the problem, which is a lack of alignment between these three elements. Concretely, what does that mean?
- The actions you take on LinkedIn fail to create the necessary trust
- Your network does not amplify the impact of your actions
- Your profile does not convert
In short, waste of time, motivation, and opportunities! Hence the importance of having a goal.
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Settiing an Objective
There are three levels of objectives: short, medium, and long term. Let’s take them one by one with the premium profile writing services.
Typical uses
LinkedIn goals are ideal if you are starting or want to experiment and explore the platform. Here are six typical uses that roughly represent what people do on LinkedIn.
- Exist (be found qualified and contacted)
- Get informed (find relevant information, find out what is going on in your business, field, industry)
- Search (generate a list of qualified personas – target characteristics or search by name)
- Network (build and maintain relationships)
- Interact (accumulate reaction capital)
- Attract (build and maintain an engaged audience)
Establish a medium-term goal: SMART goals
LinkedIn goals are ideal if you want to make sure the investment is worth it. The acronym SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic over time. You can consider the following examples of goals by premium profile writing services that need to be smarter:
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- Brand credibility
- Opinion leadership
- Educate
- Registration for events
- Business development
- Generation of leads
- Generation of candidates
- Job search
- Interview generation
Establish a long-term goal
As demonstrated by premium profile writing services, these goals should be considered if you aspire to more, even beyond LinkedIn. Long-term goals can be reaching the moon and beyond. You have surely heard this quote before, “Aim for the moon. Even if you miss, you will land in the stars”. Identifying your Moon goal would allow you to align your profile, network, and actions in a specific direction, realizing your dream or your purpose. Moon goal is a more meaningful destination than a SMART goal because it is embedded in us. An equivalent would be Jim Collins’ BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal), featured in Good to Great.
Call to action
It starts with short-term goals with typical uses. It includes satisfaction with your current use. Do you want to try new things? If so, take one of the uses and turn it into a SMART micro-lens. If all is well for short-term goals, determine what you would like to achieve in a 3–6-month horizon, 1-year maximum. Once that’s done, think about what you need to do on LinkedIn to get there. You may need the help of premium profile writing services.
Doesn’t that inspire you? So, imagine your BHAG. Once you have it in mind, break it down into a SMART objective. What should you do in the next few months to get closer to your BHAG? How can LinkedIn help? You can go to LinkedIn and have fun. But if you want results through premium profile writing services, you have to know what you aim for. It is better to focus on personas as they are essential elements to maximize your success by aligning your profile, network, and actions.