What is MIPS in healthcare?
The MIPS in healthcare is the program that will determine Medicare payment adjustments. A composite performance score has used in this program, and eligible clinicians may receive a payment penalty, bonus, or no payment adjustment. In the present era, healthcare refers to any aspect, service, or device that helps you take care of your health. It is not a gift, a purchase, or a saleable commodity. Each patient will have their landscape, which will vary over time to meet their specific needs. However, people also search about, i.e., What does MIPS stand for in healthcare? MIPS in healthcare stands for Merit-based incentive payment system. While Americans desire excellent health, they also have the right to choose an ecosystem that best matches their requirements.
“MIPS has been designed to tie payments to quality and cost-effective treatment, stimulate improvement in care processes and health outcomes, expand healthcare information, and lower the cost of care,” according to the Department of Health and Human Services. The question best described the above query, i.e., what is the purpose of MIPS? People also want to know about MIPS’s applicability to the patients like; Is MIPS for Medicare patients only? No, Individual measures have reported under MIPS for all patients. CMS documentation determines a measure’s eligibility (denominator criteria).
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What are the MIPS requirements?
The MIPS requirement or performance criteria for receiving a positive payment adjustment in the Performance Year 2022 is 75 points. In 2024, individuals and organizations with a score of less than 75 will face a negative payment adjustment. Although, those practices that score precisely 75 points will receive a neutral payment adjustment. Practices can also search for what are 4 MIPS categories? There are four categories of MIPS; Quality (30%), Improvement Activities (15%), Cost (30%), and Promoting Interoperability (25%). The payment adjustment applied to your Medicare Part-B claims will determine by your final score.
QPP Program
What is CMS QPP? The Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) approved the Quality Payment Program (QPP), first implemented in 2017. Physicians can get negative, neutral, or positive adjustments to their Medicare Part B covered professional services reimbursements under the QPP. MIPS (Merit-based Incentive Payment System) and Advanced Alternative Payment Models (AAPMs) are two of these choices. Before the QPP, payment increases for Medicare services has set by the “SGR” law (Sustainable Growth Rate). The law restricted spending increases based on the growth of the Medicare population and included a modest inflation adjustment.
Now, here is the question arises, what are the APMs in healthcare? An APMs (Alternative Payment Models) is a payment method that rewards practitioners for providing high-quality, cost-effective treatment. APMs can apply to a specific clinical condition, a care episode, or a whole population. Examples of APM include;
- Bundled Payment Models (also termed Episode-based Payment Models),
- Pay-for-Performance,
- Medicare Shared Savings Programs (consists of several tracks/options)
- Patient-Centred Medical Homes
- Accountable Care Organizations (ACO).

2022 MIPS Exemptions
When practitioners are ready to dive into MIPS applicability and eligibility, they also want to ensure the answer to the following question such as; who is exempt from MIPS? There are three types of providers who are exempt from 2022 MIPS:
- As MACRA defines, MIPS does not apply to providers who participate in an APM (Advanced Payment Model).
- Clinicians who charge less than $90,000 to Medicare beneficiaries in a given period or care for less than 200 Medicare patients in a year are free from MIPS. CMS will use claims data to make low-volume status assessments before and during the performance period.
- New Medicare-enrolled Eligible Clinicians: During a performance year, providers who enroll in Medicare for the first time are exempt from MIPS until the next performance year.
CMS has set the performance threshold at 75 points for the year 2022. MIPS calculated the scores by comparing a physician physician’s overall performance in each of the four MIPS categories to the CMS performance threshold score for the year. Physicians will acquire a score for each category, and their MIPS final score will be the total of each category’s weighted score.
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In 2022, the required level of performance will be much greater. To ensure you attain 75 points and prevent a negative payment adjustment in 2024, we recommend reporting measures to some capacity in each performance category. If you do not comply with the performance, you must know about the penalty for not reporting MIPS? Avoiding a MIPS penalty can have a significant financial impact. Failure to meet the 2022 MIPS criteria might result in a penalty of up to 9% of your Part B professional service reimbursements in 2024. See the resources on the site for further information on scores and requirements for each category.
MIPS reporting requirements are the same for all specializations. That’s why NEO MD CMS Certified Registry of MIPS consultants work with all types of practices to assist them in giving the best MIPS Reporting for the year 2022, independent of their EHR and PM platforms.
For MIPS consulting services, you may reach us at (registry@neomdinc.com) or (929) 502-3636.